Monday, August 30, 2010

Fan Appreciation

As I contemplate writing one more query letter for The Raven or the Wolf, or tackling yet another hour spent in editing-perfecting Box Five, I began to ponder how many countries have been reached by these two stories.  Putting together a list was a bit mind blowing, because these are only the ones I know of.

Box Five has been clicked on by people from 20 different countries on one site.

The Raven and the Wolf- is posted on three different online venues with worldwide readership but not every reader discloses their location but I count at least 10.  Though this story has been posted for 9 months now and has thousands of hits and at least 100 comments/critiques.

There is no greater satisfaction than having my stories read and my characters followed and perhaps even thought of long after the reader clicks off.  It does not pay the bills in the world of free online publishing.  Still it gives me a thrill of satisfaction each time I open one of those sites and see that some one has clicked on one of my stories.  It keeps me motivated and lets that artistic inner self have a moment of glory knowing that I have touched some one.

So this is a tribute to all of my readers, subscribers and commentators.

Thank you for helping me keep the passion alive.  And thank you for wading through all the rewrites, typos and technical difficulties.  You are all beautiful.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Textnovel contest

August 31st has such a daunting ring to it these days.  My fellow textnovel followers and contestants know what I mean.  August 31st is the cut-off date for entries.  Thus will begin the harder part, finding out if any of my entries have made the top 20-30 cut to be a semi-finalist and begin the long march to November when the winner is announced. 

While I know in the grand scheme of publishing as a business, textnovel and indeed the textnovel contests are what the industry is referring to as virtual slush piles.  While I acknowledging a basic truth in that analogy, I would like to now expound how it is so much more than the sum of its parts, or contest entries. 

What textnovel has done for me is allowed me to push past personal fears, build confidence in my writing and grow.   I have received a wide range of encouragement and help every step of this journey.  My stories are being read and reaching people all over the world via the internet.  At first I was afraid of having my story stolen or losing my copy rights.  At the end of the day what I craved most was reaching an audience. 

Now I am not saying my desire for a published novel, all my precious words tucked between 2 covers has lost any of its allure.  If anything my appetite for that kind of success has only been whetted since beginning this journey.  My respect and appreciation for marketing to a reader has grown, and hopefully my skills in that arena continue to do the same. 

More than anything I value the wonderful habit of writing nearly every day.  I have posted 2 complete novels and a novella!  I have 2 others currently in early draft stages.  The opportunity I have had to be mentored and mentor and encourage others has helped be grow as an artist and word smith.  Now if they only had a miracle cure for my bad spelling and typo's. 

Thank you to all who have supported and continue to support me.  It is getting down to the wire.  Votes, comments and views (just clicking on a story) all help me gain the attention of the contest judges. 

My three projects are:

The Raven and the Wolf    - Complete  (So many drafts into it I lost count)

Box Five: Opera Ghost    - Complete (2nd draft stage)

The Strange Tale of Rose Berg   - In progress  (1st draft)

I am a little worried that I might not make the 50,000 word quota on Rose Berg but there is still time and I have 2 weekends left.  So let me know if you have a favorite that you are rooting for.  It is hard for me to pick a favorite child but The Raven and the Wolf is my first "born" and the result of 15 years of starts and stops.  It broke the barriers of not believing in myself and lead me to textnovel along with a great pitch for the site on Linkedin by a fellow author.

I wish all the best to my fellow and favorite textnovel authors (ladies you ought to know who you are by now) I continue to learn by your comments and examples. 

Happy Writing!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Leave it alone or work it to death

I have come to the conclusion that there is no right answer for this.  It is possible to over work things but it is equally possible to discover something wonderful after mining the same concept over and over again. 

There are some stories which continue to unearth layers upon treasures, like an archeology of the subconscious mind.  Where as others spring fully grown out of your head complete and fully formed.  All that is required is a light touch to perfect the language.

I made the mistake of trying to convert a story from one writing form instead of sticking with my original concept.  I did it not because I felt the story lacked, but for the very worst reason possible.  I wanted to make it more marketable.  But the tale does not work in a traditional form.

Therefore I admonish knowing when to let it go and trust yourself and your writing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm back

So it has been a long and strange summer.  I thought I would take some time to explain the long wait between posts.  I apologise to all of you who have been waiting and wondering.  Since the last post I have started a new job, Mom was in the hospital (thankfully home again) not to mention having a house full.  My sister and I planned a 40th wedding anniversary for my folks.  We were grateful for the privilege.  It doesn't happen as often as it used to or should.  So we feel honored to have parents who have continued to make it work.

On the writing front:

I have been submitting The Raven and the Wolf.  No takers yet but I did get at least one request for chapters so I know that my queries are getting closer.  I have also begin the second draft of the sequel.  The title for the new novel is The Hunter and the Healer.  I have 10 sample chapters up on  If you are following me there stop by and leave a comment.

I have finished Box Five and am currently editing two versions.  One in the original concept of the cell phone novel which can be found on  The other version I am converting the jaunty phrases into more traditional prose.  Though I am merging the concept of Erik's voice staying in the poetic format and hers taking on the more traditional narrative.   I have posted a few of these chapters on  I have never used this site before so I am on a learning curve.  I chose it because there I can tap into the very specific fanbase  of Phantom to get their reaction.  They have never read the cell phone version and I don't have to face comparison with myself (my worst fear).

The Strange Tale of Rose Berg.  I have left my title character such an enigma it is difficult to write her story.  She only whispers to me sometimes, but when she does I am startled by the emotion and imagery.  I can't lead her and her pacing is a little slow.  So what I thought I was writing has turned into something else completely.  But I have lots of other projects so I don't need to force it.

Now I am off to that new job.