Monday, August 30, 2010

Fan Appreciation

As I contemplate writing one more query letter for The Raven or the Wolf, or tackling yet another hour spent in editing-perfecting Box Five, I began to ponder how many countries have been reached by these two stories.  Putting together a list was a bit mind blowing, because these are only the ones I know of.

Box Five has been clicked on by people from 20 different countries on one site.

The Raven and the Wolf- is posted on three different online venues with worldwide readership but not every reader discloses their location but I count at least 10.  Though this story has been posted for 9 months now and has thousands of hits and at least 100 comments/critiques.

There is no greater satisfaction than having my stories read and my characters followed and perhaps even thought of long after the reader clicks off.  It does not pay the bills in the world of free online publishing.  Still it gives me a thrill of satisfaction each time I open one of those sites and see that some one has clicked on one of my stories.  It keeps me motivated and lets that artistic inner self have a moment of glory knowing that I have touched some one.

So this is a tribute to all of my readers, subscribers and commentators.

Thank you for helping me keep the passion alive.  And thank you for wading through all the rewrites, typos and technical difficulties.  You are all beautiful.

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