So in the quest for feedback from fellow writers and the odd chance of garnering an editor or agent's notice I have embarked on yet another way to build my fan base on the web. The sight is sponsored by Harper Collins and called Authonomy.
It has worldwide membership and from what I can tell more traffic to the site than textnovel. Also the focus is on actual novels verses the Japanese cell phone novel. I am only posting a portion of The Raven and the Wolf. There are no contests just a lot of great constructive comments from some very polished and talented writers. This community is very serious. The caliber of work on the site is staggering.
It is populated with a worldwide pool of talent, published and unpublished authors alike. In less than a week I have received nearly 100 backings and dozens of comments, including helpful criticism of my pitch (the dread of any author). All novels must be in English. Every month the top five stories make it to the editor's desk. Nevertheless, even without this notice many in the industry view the site.
Stories have been picked up for publication of representation from exposure on Authonomy. While you will receive help from the community to polish your work, this is definitely the place to put your best foot forward. I recommend the most polished manuscript you can post.
You will be asked to write a short pitch of 1-3 sentences or 25 words, and a long pitch of no more than 250 words. To be considered for the monthly editor's desk selections you must post a minimum of 10,000 words. If you make it to the desk, they will read the first 10,000 words of your novel (even if you have more posted) and give you a professional assessment of your pitch and your story.
There are no guarantees for publication for working your way to the top. It will require hard work and a readiness to reciprocate reads, reviews and backings. However, it is a great way to learn about building a fan base, working with literary community and making valuable connections. Writing, as any author should know, is not simply the art of what you put on the page. It is also a business and like any business you have to be able to sell, connect and adapt. Of course what you have to sell ought to be worth the buying. So yes, while Authonomy maybe HarperCollins version of the virtual slush pile, at least this one 'talks back.'
Happy writing to all and perhaps I will connect with some of you on or on
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